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Kesha has shared her side of the awkward Jerry Seinfeld hug incident

She says she should have known better.

Music Kesha Source: AP/PA Images

LAST MONTH POPSTAR Kesha went in for a hug with Jerry Seinfeld on the red carpet and she was denied a hug from the comedian. He spoke about the incident afterwards with Extra and explained that he doesn’t hug strangers.

anigif_sub-buzz-32429-1499446407-1 Source: Extra via Buzzfeed

In the month between Kesha addressing the hug and the actual incident, she didn’t mention it apart from posting an Instagram video of her cats and captioning it with a series of pro-hug hashtags like “#hugging #hugs #hugsRgreat”.

Now, after the release of her comeback song after a harrowing legal battle with an ex-producer, she has addressed the incident on SiriusXM radio.

The radio host from Sirius radio show Hits1 in Hollywood started off her interview with a hug, and commented that she was a great hugger and that Jerry Seinfeld had missed out.

She began to explain her side of the story:

May I tell you… I had a moment where I was thinking to myself – ‘Wow! Maybe I should stop trying to hug everyone and attack them and then… I was like f**k that! I like hugging, hugging is magical, hugging is beautiful.

Kesha album Source: PA Wire/PA Images

Now while hugging is nice and all that, it’s really not good if any party involved isn’t up for it. She said the experience of being denied a hug made her feel like a five-year-old. After it happened, she said:

I was instantly like… Oh f**k me. I somehow ended up in my very own mini episode of Seinfeld for like five seconds. 

CA: Comedy Central's Colossal Clusterfest Source: SIPA USA/PA Images

She explained that she only did it because she’s a huge Seinfeld fan. She used to carry the entire season package with her everywhere on her carry on luggage.

He’s not a huggy guy. That’s fine but as soon as he didn’t hug me I was like oh this is gonna be everywhere. 

She said that if she could say anything to Jerry Seinfeld now, she’d say “I should’ve known better.”

Bob Dylan Honorary Degree Source: PA Archive/PA Images

Afterwards, she met one of her musical idols – Bob Dylan. When he approached her, she was very cautious but he threw his arms out for a hug and gave her the most “healing Bob Dylan hug” that she could have ever dreamt of.

When he was leaving, he repeated his special Bob Dylan hug on her, which made her feel better about the entire incident.

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About the author:

Kelly Earley

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